어셈블리 8, 9장 토론거리

2020-06-27 19:31
1. 233쪽 11줄 "부르주아지의 힘"이라고 해석하는 것이 옳을까?

On the one hand, we must grasp its mediatory function: in parallel to the bourgeoisie, as we said, the modern administrative state develops as a paradoxical mix of both hegemony and mediation. On the other hand, any critique of bureaucracy that doesn’t recognize the power of those who struggle against it, affirming their own freedom, not only is trapped in a cycle of despair but also will never illuminate why modern administration has been thrown into crisis. Modern administration has not crumbled of its own accord, from some internal corruption, but was thrown into crisis by forces that not only attack its power but also have the potential to replace its essential functions.

2. 위안부 피해자와 연대하는 운동을 사회적 파업으로 해석할 수 있을까?
전체 0

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