305쪽 일부 번역 수정 제안
amelano joe
2022-04-03 14:54
305쪽 번역 중간 부분: 표면 평면의 온전성 덕분에 크라우스의 경우에는 이런 일이 일어나지 않기 때문이다.>크라우스의 경우에 이런 일은 표면평면의 온전성 덕분에 일어나는 것이 아니다.
Having said all of this, there is still an important respect in which
Krauss is a better match for OOO than Greenberg’s own position.
For although Krauss strips all depth from the cosmos and gives it
the aspect of sign or simulacrum, and though it is impossible for
a philosophy of withdrawn objects to agree with such a basically
Postmodernist program, there is a sense in which Krauss empowers
discrete pictorial elements in a way that Greenberg does not. For
even if she holds that rotation in depth is flattened onto the surface
of the collage, for her this does not happen thanks to the entirety of
the surface plane. Instead, it is due to some rather discrete objects:
the f-shaped soundholes on a violin. Despite Krauss’ overt hostility
to philosophical realism, this is a point on which alliance might well
be possible.
Having said all of this, there is still an important respect in which
Krauss is a better match for OOO than Greenberg’s own position.
For although Krauss strips all depth from the cosmos and gives it
the aspect of sign or simulacrum, and though it is impossible for
a philosophy of withdrawn objects to agree with such a basically
Postmodernist program, there is a sense in which Krauss empowers
discrete pictorial elements in a way that Greenberg does not. For
even if she holds that rotation in depth is flattened onto the surface
of the collage, for her this does not happen thanks to the entirety of
the surface plane. Instead, it is due to some rather discrete objects:
the f-shaped soundholes on a violin. Despite Krauss’ overt hostility
to philosophical realism, this is a point on which alliance might well
be possible.
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